Why Queensland is the most popular state for interstate movers
Interstate movers during the period March 2017 - March 2018, gave Queensland the thumbs up with 24,700 moves to the Sunshine State over this period. The popularity of Queensland is nothing new, except for the prior year when Victoria proved to be more popular - but prior to this "Queensland was the biggest gainer for 20 years," said Australian Bureau of Statistics Demography Director, Anthony Grubb.
Most common movers to Queensland are from New South Wales
During the previous four years, 52,000 NSW'ers decided to move up north and make Queensland their home. And while Queensland attracted the most interstate moves, it was interesting to see that QLD'ers, some 36,900 of them, were the next most popular interstate movers, heading south across the border to NSW.

Moving interstate is something many of us will do
Now-a-days, moving interstate is super easy, and with 392,700 Australian's moving interstate during 2017-2018; a 4.3% increase in interstate moves over the prior year, there's no denying that it's something many of us will look at doing at some stage.
If you are at the stage of considering moving and are trying to find a quality removalist then you should definitely check out our free resource below:
Why Queensland is such a draw card
Now back to Queensland, since it's proving to be the most popular state to move to, let's explore some of the key reasons why.

Dicky Beach, Sunshine Coast, Queensland.
- Lifestyle - Queenslanders definitely enjoy a lifestyle that's more relaxed, especially at the many coastal communities that are attracting interstate movers, Australia-wide.
- Affordability - House prices are dramatically cheaper in QLD verse NSW. NSW'ers are selling up and buying better and living the great Aussie Dream.
- Weather - There's no mistake in the nickname QLD has - "the Sunshine State". It's warmer all year round and boasts some of the best climates in the world.
- Amazing beaches & coastal lines - Even if you're not a beach lover, the benefits of coastal breezes and stunning coastline vistas are sure to make you the envy of your interstate friends and family.
- Space - While Brisbane is a thriving modern city you don't have to travel far to get plenty of space in a more regional town, often providing some amazing lifestyle opportunities.
- Location - Like they say, it's all about location, location, location. When you're home is close to water, beaches or a stunning vista, the value of your home and more importantly your lifestyle, skyrockets.
- The people - Friendly as and happy smiles all-round... we think the sun has something to do with that. The friendly vibe continues through to business, with good-old customer service being second nature to many QLD'ers. Nothing like a stress-free, friendly living environment to boost productivity and keep your day happy.
- Traffic - What traffic? Often none, especially if you choose to move to a more regional town. Even a happening place like the Sunshine Coast (super close to Brisbane but with a coastal, friendly vibe), enjoys no major traffic issues like you get daily in a city across the border. Also, you will be happy to hear, road rage is not a common thing you'll see in our state.
With the cat out of the bag and the Australian Bureau of Statistics stats to back it up, even if this article doesn't motivate you to take action on your lifestyle dreams (go on do it, you only have one life), like so many others are, then perhaps it might have motivated you to take a holiday to our lovely sunny state. No matter what you decide, we hope you're living the lifestyle of your dreams.
If you're considering moving interstate and think it might be too hard, then you should know we offer 1 month free, secure, safe container storage, so moving to your dream location might be a little easier than you think 😀. Oh, and don't forget our team are super friendly because they're all soaking up the sun and good vibes that QLD has to offer.